Polina Lazareva's directorial debut film «Chaika» was awarded a special prize at the short and Debut Film Festival «Shorter».
On August 20, 2023, the XI Russian Film Festival «Shorter» in Kaliningrad ended. It was here that Svetlana Nemolyaeva's granddaughter, an actress of the Mayakovsky Moscow Academic Theater, a student of the legendary Alla Surikova, and now film director Polina Lazareva herself presented her debut directorial work, for which she independently wrote an original script. The filming took place in St. Petersburg. The roles in the film were performed by wonderful actors Yuri Bykov, Vera Kincheva, Alexander Lazarev, Svetlana Nemolyaeva, Olesya Zheleznyak, Evgenia Kuznetsova, Nelly Popova, Maria Pavlovskaya, Alexander Vasiliev, Irada Zeynalova.
The film was released with the support of the Ministry of Culture by the ILLUSION film company.
General producer and artistic director of the «Chaika» project Vlad Furman, director Polina Lazareva, her father and actor of the «Chaika» film Alexander Lazarev took the well-deserved award at a ceremony on August 20.
Мы поздравляем Полину Лазареву с блестящим режиссёрским дебютом! А также поздравляем великолепный состав артистов со специальным призом на кинофестивале «Короче»!